Reader Interactions


  1. Jennie says

    I love Monki so much! I wish they had a store in Leeds. I own clothes from all these brands, except for LoveTooTrue. Best check them out 🙂

  2. Aaliyah Hunt says

    I’ve heard a lot of good things about monki in the past haven’t shopped their before but I definitely will now. I also thought that Matalan wasn’t really for our age range but I’ve been there a few times and got some lovely bits. The last dress with the cherries on is just the cutest! I

  3. Jordanne | Ofaglasgowgirl says

    You have such a beautiful, unique fashion, it’s very eye catching and flattering. Monk is a great place to get some really stylish pieces, I remember my gran actually introduced me to them haha I also love new look, I get quite a lot from there, always love their jackets.

    Jordanne ||

  4. glowsteady says

    I was so shocked to see Matalan and New Look on here! I was expecting a list of amazing quirky places that I’d never heard of. I used to buy from Monki quite a bit but haven’t picked up anything from them in years now, I need to take another look x


  5. Jaya Avendel says

    I am a fan of the unusual and funky clothes, most likely because I love being different and not being a part of the usual masses of trending clothes. I love the colors of these brands!

  6. everythingevening says

    Monki is becoming one of my favourite clothing brands! I’ve never really shopped in Matalan for clothes before, I think I’ll need to have a look in there soon. The Joanie dress looks so good on you!

  7. Nancy says

    I love your outfits! The patterns and colors always look popping. It is great that they are super affordable as well. The pairing of the clothes look great. I like that they’re not like the super big brand names too, it is important that we try to be as diverse as possible. Thanks for sharing these options!

    Nancy ♥

  8. According to Alice says

    I absolutely love all of these photos of you, you look absolutely adorable in every single one. You’re honestly one of my style icons, I would love to invest in a funkier wardrobe over time as I feel like I’m such a plain Jane sometimes. Matalan is one of those places I just never think of when browsing for clothes so I definitely need to remember to have a look on their website. I absolutely love Joanie, they have so many gorgeous dresses and I really need to treat myself to one soon. You’re so right about New Look starting to incorporate funkier styles and designs, I’m loving it. I’ve noticed it more in Primark as well, it’s great that high street brands are starting to get on board with lots of different quirky styles.

    Alice xx

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